POM Aachen 2024

Conference Schedule

Politics of the Machines
Lifelikeness & beyond

The 4th POM Conference
RWTH Aachen University
KäteHamburger Kolleg:
Cultures of Research (c:o/re).
April 22-27, 2024

Day 2, Tuesday 23.04.24

Monday 22.04.24

Track 04

Panel 01 Dynamics of Organization
Room Ford-Saal 1040|637
Moderator Alex Schubert

Talk 1
9:15 – 9:45

Lifelike Dynamics: Adaptive Dissipative Structures in Self-organizing Whirlpools

Matthew Woodham

Talk 2
9:45 – 10:15

Practising inclusivity outside of and on the periphery of the AI industry

Adriaan Odendaal
Erasmus University Rotterdam

Talk 3
10:15 – 10:45

The Machinization of Death Itself: Death Work and the Emergence of Necrovalue

Josef Barla
Goethe University Frankfurt

Discussion: 10:45-11:00

Track 01

Panel 03 I Am Not a Robot
Room Generali Sall |639
Moderator Aurora del Rio, Erich Berger

Talk 1
9:15 – 9:45

Possibilities of subjectivity in an in vitro intelligent agent

Nathan Thompson
Guy Ben-Ary

Talk 2
9:45 – 10:15

What it’s like to be a Humble Machine-Agent?

Anna Laktionova

Talk 3
10:15 – 10:45

Redefining Life in the Age of AI: The Human-Machine Symbiosis

Fatemeh Alizadeh
University of Siegen

Discussion: 10:45-11:00

11:00 – 11:15

Short Break

Track 01

Panel 04 Techniques of Translation.
Room Ford-Saal 1040|637
Moderator Aurora del Rio, Erich Berger

Talk 1
11:15 – 11:45

What does the machine want? Two cases of accidental translation in Speculative Cosmotechnics

Antônio Frederico Lasalvia
The New Center for Research and Practice
Filipe Afonso
Saint Joseph University (Macao)
Filipa Frois Almeida
Independent researcher
Hugo Reis

Talk 2
11:45 – 12:15

World Wide Soul: post-identity and network spirituality (Lecture Performance)

Ana Bandeira
Fine Arts Faculty, University of Porto

Talk 3
12:15 – 12:45

Exomoon: Bridging Science and Theater Through Living Machines

Pieter Steyaert
University of Antwerp, SEADS
Ulrike Kuchner
School of Physics & Astronomy, TheUniversity of Nottingham, SEADS
Mary Pedicini
Pim Tournaye
New York University Tisch School of the Arts, SEADS
Sven Kiefer
Institute of Astronomy, KU Leuven, SEADS

Discussion: 12:45-13:00

Track 09

Panel 01 Strategies of Camouflage
Room Conference Room 1040 | 531 – 5.31
Moderator Lijuan Klassen

Talk 1
11:15 – 11:45

Theorizing neurodivergent unmasking as a epistemic resistance and liberation project

Stefaniia Sidorova
National University of “Kyiv-Mohyla Academy”

Talk 2
11:45 – 12:15

Keeping it on the down low – Camouflage & the right to opacity in critical migration research

Alina Achenbach
University of Groningen

Talk 3
12:15 – 12:45

BIRDLIKENESS: Understanding Bird Behavior in Hunting, Aviation, and Architecture

Noemi Quagliati
NICHE, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice

Discussion: 12:45-13:00

Track 03

Panel 01 Sensory Narratives
Room Generali Saal | 639
Moderator Kit Kuksenok

Talk 1
11:15 – 11:45

The Observer as Biomachine: Object-Subject Relations in Interactive and Biotechnological Art

Raivo Kelomees
Estonian Academy of Arts

Talk 2
11:45 – 12:15

How Interactive Digital Narratives are entanglement by the body: the role of aesthetics and sensory perception

Ana Catarina Monteiro
i2ADS & Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto
Miguel Carvalhais
i2ADS & Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Porto
Rui Torres
Fernando Pessoa University, Porto

Talk 3
12:15 – 12:45

Anthropomorphism and Deception with ChatGPT and Sex Robots from a Derridean and Lacanian perspective

Maaike van der Horst
University of Twente
Víctor Betriu Yáñez
Independent researcher

Discussion: 12:45-13:00

13:00 – 15:00

Lunch Break

Track 01

Panel 05 Vulnerability and Care
Room Ford-Saal 1040|637
Moderator Aurora del Rio, Erich Berger

Talk 1
15:00 – 15:30

“Automating Resilience” or Taking Care of the Vulnerable – What Can the Machine Do?

Yael Eylat Van Essen
HIT- Holon Institute of Technology

Talk 2
15:30 – 16:00

Designing for One’s Own: Towards Technology Design Education for Home and Family Care

Diego Maranan
University of the Philippines Open University / SEADS

Talk 3
16:00 – 16:30

Cybernetic Care: Performance for Kinesthetic Understanding of Mechanisms of Care

Christine Liao
University of North Carolina Wilmington
James DeVita
University of North Carolina Wilmington

Discussion: 16:30-16:45

Track 07

Panel 01 Sensorial Otherness
Room Generali Saal | 639
Moderator Vivian Xu, Boris Debackere

Talk 1
15:00 – 15:30

Strolls through technological worlds

Joost Rekveld
Ghent University, School of Arts Ghent

Talk 2
15:30 – 16:00

Empathy machines

Natalia Fedorova

Talk 3
16:00 – 16:30

What’s It Like to Be a Chair?

Werner van der Zwan
V2_ Lab for Unstable Media
Charl Linssen
V2_ Lab for Unstable Media

Discussion: 16:30-16:45

Track 11

Panel 01 Programming Death
Room Conference Room 1040 | 531 – 5.31
Moderator TBA

Talk 1
15:00 – 15:30

Towards Engineered Life Cycles and Social Identity in a Robot Swarm Society

Suet Lee
University of Bristol
Sabine Hauert
University of Bristol

Talk 2
15:30 – 16:00

Reimagining Technological Finitude: Nostalgia and the Afterlife of Devices

Fatemeh Alizadeh
University of Siegen

Talk 3
16:00 – 16:30

The myth of immortality: of bodies or data.

Elena Giulia Abbiatici
Now Independent, previously Politecnico of Milan

Discussion: 16:30-16:45

16:45 – 17:00

Short Break

Hannah Landecker photo by Spencer Lowell
Hannah Landecker (UCLA)

17:30 – 19:00
Generali Saal | 639

Lecture: Distilled, Extruded, Suspended: Lessons in Lifelikeness From the Metabolism of Mass Production
This talk is about quite ordinary matters, such as the prevention of perishability in rubbers and oils, and how one makes a non-dairy creamer that lasts without refrigeration. Yet these are also extraordinary matters. The harvesting and remobilization of metabolically powerful objects and processes proceeded apace in the twentieth century, a process of industrialization not just of agriculture or craft production, but of metabolism itself. Cells, enzymes, antioxidant molecules, polymers, fats and many other capacities and pieces of living things were pulled apart and then pieced back together, re-articulated into new sequences of material transformation at augmented volume or manipulated speed, sometimes suspended here, or driven forward there. Three lessons in lifelikeness from the historical annals of enzymes and antioxidants will invite listeners into the maw of a vast and reticulate petro-animate metabolism, where novelty concatenates with mimicry and the synthetic is fed to the natural for dinner. Today, as we begin to ask whether our material things are lasting too long – or not long enough – and the technical parameters of planetary costs of consumption figure prominently in negotiations of ageing, biodegradability and toxicity, it is useful to engage directly with the history and future of these technical lifespan objects into which values and temporalities are built.
Evening Program
19:00 – 20:00
Speakers Reception

Artworks & Installations

Monday, 22.04.2024

EZ Quality Sorter V2
Verena Friedrich
Academy of Media Arts Cologne

Emotional Machine
Yamin Xu
Bowling Green State University

Samantha Tiussi

Andrés Isaza Giraldo
University of Lisbon

Tlalli • Conversations with soil
Azucena Sanchez

Raw Reverberation
Sanja Brkanović Šikoparija

Voronoi Halo
Alistair McClymont

Mattering Living and Non-Living Systems
Masahiko Hara
(Installation at Theaterstraße 75)